

















1. 国家重点研发计划,燃料电池发动机高低温环境适应性研究,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,极端冰雪条件下高寒动车组制动盘异常磨损的诱发机理与主动预防,参与

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,空气-燃料超音速火焰喷涂Fe基非晶合金粒子沉积行为研究,主持

4. 上海市浦江人才计划,亚稳相在过饱和Ti-Mg固溶体组织演变中的作用机理研究,主持

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费学科交叉类(面上)项目,高寒动车组跨区域运行冰雪导致制动盘异常磨损的诱发机理与主动预防,参与

6. 国家杰出青年科学基金,大块非晶合金特种粉末冶金制备过程基础科学问题研究,参与

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, Co元素合金化对Fe基非晶合金玻璃形成能力的作用机理,参与



1. X.S. Wei*, J.L. Jin, Z.Z. Jiang*, D.D. Liang, J. Shen. FeCrMoWCBY metallic glass with high corrosion resistance in molten lead-bismuth eutectic alloy. Corrosion Science 190 (2021) 109688.

2. H.R. Jiang, B. Bochtler, M. Frey, Qi Liu, X.S. Wei*, Y. Min, S.S. Riegler, D.D. Liang, R. Busch, J. Shen. Equilibrium viscosity and structural change in the Cu47.5Zr45.1Al7.4 bulk glass-forming liquid. Acta Materialia, 184 (2020) 69-78.

3. X.S. Wei*, Y. Dong, D.D. Qu, T.C. Ma, J. Shen. Effect of Deposition Parameters on Microstructure of the Ti-Mg Immiscible Alloy Thin Film Deposited by Multi-Arc Ion Plating. Metals. 9 (2019) 1229-1240.

4. X.S. Wei*, C.X. Ying, J. Wu, H.R. Jiang, B. Yan, J. Shen. Fabrication, corrosion and mechanical properties of magnetron sputtered Cu-Zr-Al metallic glass thin film. Materials. 12 (2019) 4147-4159.

5. H.R. Jiang, M.L. Li, X. S. Wei*, T.C. Ma, Y. Dong, C.X. Ying, Z.Y. Liao, J. Shen. Numerical Investigation of In-Flight Behavior of Fe-Based Amorphous Alloy Particles in AC-HVAF Thermal Spray Process. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 28 (2019) 1146-1159.

6. H.R. Jiang, X.S. Wei*, W.F. Lu, D.D. Liang, Z.H. Wen, Z. Wang, H.P. Xiang, J. Shen. Design of Cu-Zr-Al and Cu-Zr-Al-Sn bulk amorphous alloys with high glass-forming ability. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 521 (2019) 119531.

7. D.D. Liang, X.S. Wei*, T.C. Ma, B. Chen, H.R. Jiang, Y. Dong, J. Shen. Sliding tribocorrosion behavior of Fe-based bulk metallic glass under corrosive environments, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 510 (2019) 62-70.

8. D.D. Liang, X.S. Wei*, C.T. Chang*, J.W. Li, X.M. Wang, J. Shen. Effect of W addition on the glass forming ability and mechanical properties of Fe-based metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 731 (2018) 1146-1150.

9. D.D. Liang, X.S. Wei*, Y. Wang*, H.R. Jiang, J. Shen. Electrochemical behaviors and passive film properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glass in Cl-containing acetic acid solutions under high temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 766 (2018) 964-972.

10. A. Zafari, X.S. Wei, W. Xu, K. Xia. Formation of nanocrystalline structure in metastable beta Ti alloy during high pressure torsion: the role of stress induced martensitic transformation. Acta Materialia. 97(2015) 146-155.

11. X.S. Wei, W. Xu, K. Xia, Metastable orthorhombic phases at ambient pressure in mechanically milled pure Ti and Ti-Mg, Scripta Materialia. 93(2014) 32-35.

12. X.S. Wei, B. Vekshin, V. Kraposhin, Y.J. Huang, J. Shen, K. Xia. Full Density Consolidation of Pure Aluminium Powders by Cold Hydro-Mechanical Pressing. Materials Science and Engineering A. 528 (2011) 5784-5789.

13. Y.J. Sun, D.D. Qu, Y.J. Huang, K.D. Liss, X.S. Wei, D.W. Xing, J. Shen. Zr-Cu-Ni-Al bulk metallic glasses with superhigh glass-forming ability. Acta Materialia. 57 (2009) 1290-1299.
